Rediscover your health potential and cultivate true wellness

Pediatric Experience
Certified! (PX Docs)
Our Vision
Garden City Chiropractic exists to empower our community through health and healing. Our mission is to partner with kids and families in rediscovering their health potential and cultivating true wellness through neurologically-based chiropractic care.
As your Loveland chiropractors, we are driven to educate and enlighten each individual and family in the greater Cincinnati area to make well-informed decisions about their health, gain freedom over their health burdens and cultivate every man, woman and child’s infinite potential so they can lead drug-free lives that contribute to a cause greater than themselves.

Dr. Nick &
Dr. Kenzie Hoar

Our Mission
To improve the health and wellness of the greater Cincinnati area so that every man, woman and child can maximize their potential and live life to the fullest.

Alexandra originally started care for the neck and back tension she was experiencing. However, she was also dealing with multiple pregnancy losses. She learned through her first few appointments about how neurologically based chiropractic care can actually help open that communication back up between her brain and reproductive system. Within the first weeks of care, she did begin to notice she was not encountering as much neck and back tension, especially during her strength training. She’s also had a major increase in her energy levels. Even more so exciting though, about 2 months into care she found out she was PREGNANT! With the past losses, she was holding her breath through the first few months of exams. However, after some ultrasounds and check ups she’s happy to announce she is on the right track for a happy pregnancy! Her little one is even measuring right on track! Alexandra said, “I experienced recurrent pregnancy loss & came to have a holistic body view. I’m now 20 weeks along with our double rainbow!” She has since given birth to her healthy baby boy!
- Ally
A brother and sister started care with anxiety that kept them both from feeling confident about themselves. After being under care for several months, mom has since reported: “Alex has gone from "nervous" to go to his swim lessons that he has taken since he was a toddler in Spring this year to thriving, passing the swim test, & jumping off diving boards & swimming in the deep end this Summer at camp!
Isabella has gone from not caring about school & only wanting to be on her phone all the time to asking me to take her to buy school supplies & meticulously organizing her school supplies in her backpack the week before the start of school.
Praise God! I am crying so many happy tears!”
- Heather
Antwan was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder around 2 years old. Everyday was different for him, and his emotions. He had a regression of speech, and an increase in tantrums along with being irritable. Some days going out was easy whereas other days his parents would have to reconsider due to his mood. He received speech and occupational therapy, but did not take well to it, leaving his parents feeling defeated. Antwan and his parents came into the office looking for hope and help. "As a parent to a child who is "different" you try so many things in hope it will help your child" said his mom. Since being under consistent chiropractic care, Antwan is much more regulated in his tantrums and they are now considered "rare" for him! He is progressing in his therapies and saying more than ever before!
- Kassidy

Come see us for a health consultation in
Loveland, Ohio